local에서는 잘 나오고, gitlab ci에서 deploy는 잘 됐는데 실제 도메인에 접속하니까 404를 띄우는데 혹시 추측되는 원인이 있을까요
[1]Running with gitlab-runner 15.5.1 (7178588d)
2 on HAJE Gitlab Shared Runner #1 y-Y-G8oY
3Preparing the “docker” executor
4Using Docker executor with image docker/compose:latest …
5Starting service docker:19.03.12-dind …
6Pulling docker image docker:19.03.12-dind …
7Using docker image sha256:66dc2d45749a48592f4348fb3d567bdd65c9dbd5402a413b6d169619e32f6bd2 for docker:19.03.12-dind with digest docker@sha256:674f1f40ff7c8ac14f5d8b6b28d8fb1f182647ff75304d018003f1e21a0d8771 …
8Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)…
9*** WARNING: Service runner-y-y-g8oy-project-157-concurrent-0-ad9863923f1eface-docker-0 probably didn’t start properly.
10Health check error:
11start service container: Error response from daemon: Cannot link to a non running container: /runner-y-y-g8oy-project-157-concurrent-0-ad9863923f1eface-docker-0 AS /runner-y-y-g8oy-project-157-concurrent-0-ad9863923f1eface-docker-0-wait-for-service/service (docker.go:1183:2s)
12Service container logs:
132024-04-12T09:20:31.870702419Z Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus (2 primes)
142024-04-12T09:20:31.906071936Z …++++
152024-04-12T09:20:32.397064869Z …++++
162024-04-12T09:20:32.397719432Z e is 65537 (0x010001)
172024-04-12T09:20:32.409398297Z Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus (2 primes)
182024-04-12T09:20:32.563633333Z …++++
192024-04-12T09:20:32.594232926Z …++++
202024-04-12T09:20:32.594740608Z e is 65537 (0x010001)
212024-04-12T09:20:32.616640136Z Signature ok
222024-04-12T09:20:32.616653908Z subject=CN = docker:dind server
232024-04-12T09:20:32.616798117Z Getting CA Private Key
242024-04-12T09:20:32.625577072Z /certs/server/cert.pem: OK
252024-04-12T09:20:32.628441500Z Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus (2 primes)
262024-04-12T09:20:32.801143716Z …++++
272024-04-12T09:20:33.027095285Z …++++
282024-04-12T09:20:33.027447023Z e is 65537 (0x010001)
292024-04-12T09:20:33.049063253Z Signature ok
302024-04-12T09:20:33.049078969Z subject=CN = docker:dind client
312024-04-12T09:20:33.049205256Z Getting CA Private Key
322024-04-12T09:20:33.058595243Z /certs/client/cert.pem: OK
332024-04-12T09:20:33.082965913Z time=“2024-04-12T09:20:33.082896972Z” level=info msg=“Starting up”
342024-04-12T09:20:33.084146922Z time=“2024-04-12T09:20:33.084085874Z” level=warning msg=“could not change group /var/run/docker.sock to docker: group docker not found”
352024-04-12T09:20:33.084218644Z failed to load listeners: can’t create unix socket /var/run/docker.sock: device or resource busy
37Pulling docker image docker/compose:latest …
38Using docker image sha256:c3e188a6b38fa7f54cac9963e11b049f7701b8a6354962218b6bbab0fba07bdf for docker/compose:latest with digest docker/compose@sha256:b60a020c0f68047b353a4a747f27f5e5ddb17116b7b018762edfb6f7a6439a82 …
39Preparing environment00:04
40Running on runner-y-y-g8oy-project-157-concurrent-0 via 4dce2e7ddc97…
41Getting source from Git repository00:03
42Fetching changes with git depth set to 20…
43Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/Ray/hajeslackbot/.git/
44Checking out a1729442 as master…
45Skipping Git submodules setup
46Executing “step_script” stage of the job script00:12
47Using docker image sha256:c3e188a6b38fa7f54cac9963e11b049f7701b8a6354962218b6bbab0fba07bdf for docker/compose:latest with digest docker/compose@sha256:b60a020c0f68047b353a4a747f27f5e5ddb17116b7b018762edfb6f7a6439a82 …
48$ docker info
50 Debug Mode: false
52 Containers: 45
53 Running: 38
54 Paused: 0
55 Stopped: 7
56 Images: 1835
57 Server Version: 23.0.1
58 Storage Driver: overlay2
59 Backing Filesystem: extfs
60 Supports d_type: true
61 Using metacopy: false
62 Native Overlay Diff: true
63 userxattr: false
64 Logging Driver: json-file
65 Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
66 Plugins:
67 Volume: local
68 Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
69 Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
70 Swarm: inactive
71 Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 runc
72 Default Runtime: runc
73 Init Binary: docker-init
74 containerd version: 31aa4358a36870b21a992d3ad2bef29e1d693bec
75 runc version: v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d
76 init version: de40ad0
77 Security Options:
78 apparmor
79 seccomp
80 Profile: builtin
81 Kernel Version: 5.15.0-88-generic
82 Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
83 OSType: linux
84 Architecture: x86_64
85 CPUs: 8
86 WARNING: You’re not using the default seccomp profile
87 Total Memory: 62.69GiB
88 Name: haje-daegunju
90 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
91 Debug Mode: false
92 Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/
93 Labels:
94 Experimental: false
95 Insecure Registries:
97 Live Restore Enabled: false
98$ docker-compose version
99docker-compose version 1.26.2, build eefe0d3
100docker-py version: 4.2.2
101CPython version: 3.7.7
102OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1g 21 Apr 2020
103$ export SECRET_KEY=${SECRET_KEY}
106$ export PORT=${PORT:-8000}
107$ docker-compose down
108Stopping hajeslackbot …
109Removing hajeslackbot …
110Network web-frontend is external, skipping
111$ docker-compose up -d --build
112Building hajeslackbot_production
113Step 1/7 : FROM python:3.12
114 —> 099bf23b94d9
115Step 2/7 : RUN pip install --upgrade pip
116 —> Using cache
117 —> bc2b14d98f25
118Step 3/7 : WORKDIR /code
119 —> Using cache
120 —> d47a87e26eff
121Step 4/7 : COPY requirements.txt .
122 —> Using cache
123 —> 987733c100c1
124Step 5/7 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
125 —> Using cache
126 —> 4f3bd7709a81
127Step 6/7 : COPY scripts/ scripts/
128 —> Using cache
129 —> 46cf591ab56c
130Step 7/7 : CMD [“gunicorn”, “-w”, “4”, “-b”, “”, “scripts:app”]
131 —> Using cache
132 —> 5f65cde50472
133Successfully built 5f65cde50472
134Successfully tagged hajeslackbot_hajeslackbot_production:latest
135Creating hajeslackbot …
136Cleaning up project directory and file based variables00:03
137Job succeeded